ICFAI truly holds national character

Educational institutions are actually the place most of India picked up its sense of being socialist, secular, republic. As a young nation, if we want the right thought leadership, we have to ensure our institutions are reflecting the right values.
ICFAI is perhaps one of the largest private institutions in India that truly holds a national character, in its diversity and foot print. The visionary founder late Sri NJ Yasaswy created a strategic template for institution building in the year 1985. Over the years, students from all States seek admission cutting across region, religions, language, gender, caste, creed etc., where learning is enriched by student-mix, thereby making them future ready.
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ICFAI is an equal opportunity, not for profit, self-financing, private institute dedicated for a public cause. Scale at ICFAI has always been in step with the large and diverse needs of this country. We started with establishing 5 Universities in land locked North East, for we believed that's where it is needed most. Brought quality education to the door step of students in different states in terms of curriculum, pedagogy, courseware and evaluation processes developed for over 30years.
ICFAI administers a liberal merit scholarship scheme in all universities/colleges helping over 25% of the Students. Also creating gainful employment for thousands of teaching and non-teaching staff.
The institutional philosophy of ICFAI is based on three important pillars. Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurial Mind-set .
1. Innovation in program design leading to value creation for students.
2. Adoption of cutting edge technology in delivery methods
3. Students graduating from ICFAI are expected to bear a mind-set of decision making, risk taking and ownership, whether they work for themselves or for others.
If ICFAI Campuses are pulsating with life it is a testimony to our commitment to developing leadership. Students lead key initiatives through well-structured activity clubs that focus on the purpose of studentship, collaboration and work ethic. Empathy, Compassion and Mindfulness bring in the much needed elasticity. They are groomed to be ready to face the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. This day and age demands #NewAgeLeadership and that is what ICFAI is precisely embarking up on.
ICFAI alumni are well placed in reputed organisations in India and abroad. On one hand, by graduating competent students from our campuses, we are making the Indian industry efficient, on the other, the society with responsible citizens.
In what is considered to be a citadel of the West, in terms of case method of pedagogy, ICFAI takes pride in putting India on global map. ICFAI Cases are taught in about 1000 B Schools across 80 Countries. The Case Research Centre at ICFAI has become a centre of excellence and has won several accolades across the world. ICFAI Case Research Centre with over 7000 cases is now the 3rd largest contributor of cases, next only to Harvard and INSEAD B Schools.
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We want the young Indians to grow with values, learn with commitment and lead a healthy & happy life. It is a matter of great pride and satisfaction to provide quality education. ICFAI has now established 11 Universities, 9 B Schools, 7 Tech Schools, 7 Law Schools, with presence in 16 states spread across 17 locations pan India. This is our humble contribution to nation building.
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