IIM Sambalpur Cut-Off

IIM Sambalpur

IIM Sambalpur is one of the greatest and most distinctive venues for knowledge acquisition, dissemination, and entrepreneurial innovation, thanks to its work culture and environment, facilities, and cutting-edge infrastructure.

180 PGPs will likely be included in the batch for 2020–2022. IIM Sambalpur, however, has the ability to change the cut-offs and admission requirements. IIM Sambalpur seeks to identify deserving applicants for admission to its management programmes under each category. A better balance of possibilities across the various topic streams and genders is what IIM Sambalpur works to achieve. Academic achievement and work experience would be properly acknowledged for PGP applicants at IIM Sambalpur.

IIM Sambalpur Selection Criteria

The admission process of IIM-Sambalpur consists of the following:

  1. CAT Examination
  2. Shortlisting candidates for Personal Appearance (PA) process.
  3. Conducting the PA process composed of Personal Interviews (PI)
  4. Creating the Final Selection List (FSL) based on the CAT, PA, and profile scores, as well as the WE (Work Experience) and PAP (Past Academic Performance) scores that are evaluated throughout the PA process.

The criteria for preparing the merit list will be as follows:

  • CAT Score: 30 %
  • Personal Appearance (PI): 20%
  • Profile: 50%

The candidate's CAT score is divided by the highest CAT score among applicants to IIM Sambalpur who participated in the PA process. The CAT scaled score rather than the CAT percentile will be utilised.

The decision to implement a Common Admission Process (CAP) for Personal Appearance (PA) was made by the nine IIMs (IIM Bodhgaya, IIM Jammu, IIM Kashipur, IIM Raipur, IIM Ranchi, IIM Sambalpur, IIM Sirmaur, IIM Trichy, and IIM Udaipur). This year, IIM Trichy will serve as the coordinator for the CAP.

Similar to the Common Admission Process (CAP) 2021, only the applicants' performance in the PI for the CAP 2022 and IIM Sambalpur will be considered for creating the merit list. In other words, only applicants who participated in the PI processes for CAP 2022 and IIM Sambalpur will be given consideration.

IIM Sambalpur Cut-Off

IIM Sambalpur has released CAT cut-off qualifying marks to get MBA Admission 2022. The minimum CAT percentile for MBA admission to IIM Sambalpur is 94% & the sectional cutoff is 80%.


CUT-OFFs - 70 (Sectional)

Our Rating - A+

Test/s - CAT

Website www.iimsambalpur.ac.in

Interview Experience

Sectional Cut-Off


Quantitative Aptitude (QA) =>

Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) =>

Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension  (VARC) =>

Total Percentile





