TISS 2014: Analysis & Expected Cut-offs

Analysis: TISS 2014
This year's The National Entrance Test for admission to Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISSNET),was similar to previous year's TISSNET. The paper had 95 questions with 100 Marks in all. Each question carried one mark except for the RC questions which were two marks each. There was no penalty for the wrong answer. The paper was set in keeping the social mindset of the Indian society and the aptitude of the test takers. The overall feel of the paper was easy except general awareness (including social sensitivity) section.
Overview Of Different Sections
Sections Total Marks No. of questions Level
Verbal Ability 35 30 Moderate
Quantitative Ability & DI 35 35 Easy
General Awareness (Including Social Sensitivity) 30 30 Moderate to Tough
Total 100 95  
Overview of the TISS Paper
Time allotted 100 min
Total no. of questions 95
Total Marks 100
Marking Scheme 1 mark question except RC’s 2 marks
Sections 3
Number of choices 4
Negative Marking No Negative marking
Expected cutoffs A score of 72+ is appropriate to clear the cut off for MAHRM Course.
The cutoffs for the other programs would be marginally lower.
SECTION I: Verbal Ability
Evaluation: The verbal section had one short Reading comprehension passage comprising five questions of two marks each. The passage was based on pharmaceutical industry. The other 25 questions primarily checked the vocabulary skills of the students. The level of vocabulary was moderate. The vocabulary was mostly asked in the form of analogies, antonyms, and fill in the blanks. The paper also had questions based on sentence rearrangement. As the section was easy so accuracy would be the key to clear the cut off. The overall feel of this section was easy to moderate
Achievable Score: 26 + was an achievable score
SECTION II: Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation
Evaluation: Like last year, this year also the section was dominated by arithmetic question. There were question on Sets(two set diagram), P&C, Probability, Geometry & Mensuration, TSD, Time & work, Profit & Loss and S.I.& C.I., Ratio & Proportion, Series (Alphabetical & Numerical) + odd man out, Syllogisms etc. All the questions in this section were easy and manageable in time pressure. There were no questions asked from data interpretation or data sufficiency. One could easily attempt all of them with high accuracy level. The student having basic knowledge of numbers and arithmetic would have easily done better in this section. As such no special preparation was required for this section.
Achievable Score: 27 + was an achievable score
SECTION III: General Awareness (Including Social Sensitivity)
Evaluation:The general awareness was a little tougher in comparison to other sections as it was a fair mix of questions ranging from American history, medieval history, Nizams of Hyderabad, German Nazism, Indian dynasty, Rulers in Delhi etc. There were only 1012 questions from current affairs this time. So this section can be taken as make or break section as its share alone is 40% and rest 60% is covered by other two sections. The student, who is inclined towards social work/human resource/history etc., must be aware of questions from this section.
Achievable Score: 16 + was an achievable score
*Disclaimer:All the above given information is based on personal opinion of hitbullseye Expert faculty. Several factors have been considered before giving these cut-offs. However, it has nothing to do with original cut-offs.
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