About eBook

Making a plan at the eleventh hour is not the sign of an expert manager. And if you are aiming to crack CAT this year with flying colours and get into an elite B-school, then you’ve got to have a sure-shot strategy in place. A good strategy is one which includes refining the concepts and fundamentals in its initial phase. And one such fundamental topic is Factorials.

It is an essential topic in Quant not just because of its functionality as an independent concept. In fact, a complete understanding of factorials is required in the solving of questions related to other topics like Permutation & Combination, Probability etc. Hence, acing this concept is imperative.

So that you may gain thorough knowledge and clarity regarding the concept (not to forget, on time!), team Hitbullseye has formulated this eBook… wait for it… at a ZERO price. Yes, download this eBook for FREE!

For the Hitbullseye students, good things do come for free

Inside this eBook:

  • Concepts of Number of Zeros
  • Highest Power of Number
  • Remainders
  • Factorial Practice Online Assignment

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