In the ‘Crack Within 1-minute' video series developed by, our vastly experienced faculty members teach you how to solve toughest of questions in CAT in less than a minute! These top quality videos are absolutely free and there is no need to create any account to watch them! is today the fastest growing MBA test prep portal with 50,000+ online users.
Do you find AR questions cumbersome and perplexing ? Do you have to read the statement number of times to solve the problem set ?
Analytical Reasoning is an important area in CAT and usually constitutes around 20-30% of total marks in CAT. In this lecture, our expert will equip you with critical insights required to solve complex questions from AR section using a methodical approach.After learning this, you will be able to solve even the most difficult of AR sets in a short span of time and without committing silly mistakes!
CAT is not just a test of your knowledge, but also of your ability to utilize the limited time during the exam effectively and efficiently to maximize your score. In this battle against time, your best weapons are short cuts that would reduce time and effort spent on the question and enhances your accuracy.
Apart from the Under One Minute Video, our free Achiever's Video Series covers all areas of CAT syllabus in detail. It features typical questions that are CAT favorites along with tips and tricks to solve them in shortest possible time. To watch our Achiever's Video Series, open an account on absolutely free by clicking here!
About is one of the fastest growingportals in India providing expert guidance for more than online 50,000 CAT aspirants. It delivers comprehensive support for CAT preparation, featuring Mock Tests, Articles and Videos. It is an initiative of Hitbullseye, a national leader in CAT preparation with almost two decades of experience. Hitbullseye has trained more than 1 lakh students in its classroom programmes and has the distinction of producing many 100-percentile scorers in the country.
Mr. Harinder Singh has more than 15 years experience teaching Quantitative and Logical Ability to aspirants of CAT and other examinations. He has mentored hundreds of students who have been admitted to the prestigious IIMs. He is immensely popular with students and is well renowned for fast calculations.
The Achievers' Video Series has full-length videos that cover all aspects of CAT preparation in detail. It features novel solutions to typical questions that are CAT favorites along with tips and tricks to solve them in shortest possible time. The Achievers' Video Series has our best CAT trainers who have the unenviable record of mentoring many 100-percentile scorers every year! To watch our Achiever's Video Series, create an account on absolutely free. Read more