One of the most competitive exams, CAT, is conducted for admission to 20 IIMs and several other top-ranked B-schools of the country. With over 2 lakhs candidates appearing for the
exam, it paves the way to fulfilling the dreams of many budding managers and entrepreneurs. CAT 2021 was held on 28 November.
CAT is a computer-based exam comprising objective and subjective questions. Acing the exam requires a good grasp over the fundamentals of quant, verbal, and data interpretation. Alongside, it is extremely important to practice the previous year papers to have a thorough understanding of the exam pattern and difficulty level. As you attempt more and more
CAT mock tests , and the previous year CAT papers, your speed and accuracy in the exam will enhance. However, you must keep in mind that CAT is less a test of time management and more of complexity-handling.
So, here we provide CAT 2021 question paper along with the answer key and analysis.
CAT 2021
CAT consists of three sections, namely Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). In 2020, the number of questions was reduced from 100 to 76. Thereafter, in CAT 2021, the number of questions was further decreased to 66. Accordingly, the candidates are expected to get a relatively higher percentile for a lower score. Nonetheless, the difficulty level of the exam remains the same. Below is a glimpse of CAT 2021 exam pattern:
Test Window
Three Sessions
Test Duration
120 Minutes
Mode of Conduct
Total No. of Questions
Type of Questions
MCQs & Non-MCQs
Duration of each section
40 Minutes
Marking Scheme
-1 for each wrong answer
+3 for every correct answer
Considering the lack of a specific syllabus for CAT, it becomes incumbent for future CAT aspirants to study the actual CAT paper for different question types and benchmark their target score. As for the current test-takers, the
CAT question paper along with the answer key will help you estimate your approximate score.
CAT 2021 Question Paper
Here, you can login and download the CAT 2021 question paper:
CAT Percentile Predictor |
CAT 2021 Question Paper (Slot 1, Slot 2 and Slot 3) |
Download PDF
CAT 2021 Analysis |
CAT 2021 Answer Key (Slot 1, Slot 2 and Slot 3) |
Once you have computed your rough score and percentile via our predictor, go through the detailed exam analysis carried out by our experts. Further, you will need to prepare for the next stages of the admission process. Although B-schools vary slightly in their selection rounds, most of them opt for a standard group exercise/discussion, written ability test, and a personal interview. In other words, cracking CAT is just half the battle won. The remaining part is determined by your performance in the subsequent screening rounds.
Previous Year CAT Papers
The actual CAT papers serve as the most reliable source for preparation. These provide an in-depth understanding of the pattern, frequently asked question types, and difficulty level of the exam. This proves beneficial for both the current as well as future exam aspirants. Besides, you must try solving these papers to check your preparation and performance. Here, we have listed down the past year CAT question papers for your convenience:
CAT question papers
CAT 2020 question paper
CAT 2019 question paper
CAT 2018 question paper
CAT 2017 question paper