Test Analysis - Bull MAT 01

Overall Brief

On the whole the level of the test was close to Actual MAT. The important thing was time management. One had to pick the easy questions and leave any questions which were difficult or time consuming.

Easy Questions:
41–56, 60-61, 63-69, 71-73, 76, 78-79

Reasoning was of relatively easy level with very less time consuming questions. The section contained 5 sets on AR (41-55), each containing 3 questions, all of which were of easy level. A separate question (76) on AR was also easy. The questions (56-58) were based on statements - conclusions and were of easy to moderate level. There were few questions (59-61) based on cause and effect were a little time consuming as the sentences were lengthy and were of medium difficulty level. There were few questions based on analogies and were easy and should have been attempted. Questions (77-80) were based on assertion and reason and were easy and should have been attempted. 4 questions on Coding – decoding (66-69) were also easy. However, a single question on Series (70) was difficult. Questions on blood relations (71-73) were also easy. 2 questions on Calendars (74, 75) were of medium to high difficulty level.
An average student could have gathered 90 percentile plus by attempting around 34-36 questions with around 80-85% accuracy.

Easy Questions:
82-85, 88-89, 92, 94–95, 97, 101, 104–107, 109, 111, 113-114, 117-118, 120

Quant was of relatively easy to medium level with a very few time consuming questions which made them avoidable in time pressure. Majority of the questions were easy to moderate. It was a balanced paper it terms of all the mathematical topics. The various topics covered were – Work & chain rule (5 Q), Trigonometry (2Q), TSD (7 Q), Algebra (5Q), Geometry & Mensuration (3 Q), Probability (4 Q), Profit & Loss (3 Q), Percentages (4 Q), Averages (2 Q), Ratio & Alligation Rule (2 Q), Numbers (2 Q) and SI/CI (1 Q). On the whole, this was a paper quite close to the actual MAT paper. A student who is even average at quant could have gathered 90 percentile plus by attempting around 25 - 27 questions only with around even 80 - 85% accuracy.

Easy Questions:
121–123, 125, 129, 131, 133 -141, 144–145, 147, 150, 156–158

DI section was of easy to moderate level with just one or two time consuming sets which could have been avoided in time pressure. The first set on Data Comparison was easy, 2nd set on AR was mostly difficult, 3rd and 4th sets on Line Graph and Bar Graph respectively, were of easy level and every student should have been attempted them. Next set on Tables had easy as well as moderate level questions. Another set on Multiple graphs was of difficult level. A set on Pie chart (Q151 – 155) was quite calculation intensive. And lastly, Data Sufficiency had 3 easy and 2 moderate level questions. The student who is even average at DI could have gathered 90 percentile plus by attempting around 21 - 23 questions only with around even 80 - 85% accuracy.

Easy Questions:

The Verbal section was easy to moderate. First set of questions Q(1-3) was based on sentence rearrangement. All questions were easy. Next set of questions Q (4-7) was based on sentence completion. All questions were easy except Q (6), which was of medium level and Q (7) which was difficult. Then Questions (8-10, 18-20) were based on vocabulary synonyms and antonyms. Questions (8, 19, 20, 18) were easy, Q(9) was of medium level and Q(10,) was difficult. Then Questions (11-14) were based on paragraph summary. Questions (11, 13) were easy and other two were of medium level. Also, Questions (15-17) were based on grammar. Sentences sequence had to be made. All questions were easy except Q (17) which was of medium level. Then Questions (21-40) were based on reading comprehension. 1st paragraph, Q (21-24), talked about US economy and how India was the predominant part in revival of US economy but US never considered it as one. All questions were factual and easy except Q (22), which was of medium level. 2nd paragraph Q(25-28) talked about the menace of pollution and suggested that it could not be curd by raising prices of diesel rather by awareness and use of clean fuels. Questions were factual and easy. 3rd paragraph, Q (29-32), talked about election commission and how polls are the used for or against the choice of politicians. All questions were factual and w.r.t author and were easy except Q (29), which was of medium level and Q (30), which was difficult. 4th paragraph, Q (33-36), talked about China's economy and how the sluggishness in economy occurred. All questions were factual and were easy except Q (33) which was of medium level. 5th paragraph Q (37-40) talked about three economies, India, China and Japan and depicted the establishment of the single state worldwide economy. Questions were based on facts and vocabulary. All questions were of medium level except Q (37) which was easy. One should do 20-24 questions with 80-85% accuracy to get 90%ile.

Easy Questions:

This section of the paper was moderate. There were 6 easy level questions. The paper covered Business and economy, books authors, international and national, finance and banking, sports, Politics, history, science and technology. Very less time should be devoted to this section of the paper. In order to generate a percentile of 90+ a student should have ideally attempted 14-18 questions with 85 – 90% accuracy.

Strategy & Tips

This section of the paper was moderate. There were 6 easy level questions. The paper covered Business and economy, books authors, international and national, finance and banking, sports, Politics, history, science and technology. Very less time should be devoted to this section of the paper. In order to generate a percentile of 90+ a student should have ideally attempted 14-18 questions with 85 – 90% accuracy.

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