BIMTECH adds another feather to its cap

BIMTECH has once again proven that it stands true to its name; Excellence with Values. We are happy to announce that our alumnus, Mr.TarunVashistha from PGDM-RM (2005-06) batch, has got the Chairman award from Shri Kumar Mangalam Birla as Mr. Vashistha is now elevated to the position ofNational Head for Business Development, PantaloonsThis is what BIMTECH delivers; simply the best! And that is why, we have progressed from a moderate start to the 5th rank among private B-Schools and 14th rank overall,all India as per National HRD Network (NHRDN) &Shine (HT Media) Management Institute ranking 2018. We are rated in the Top Ten all-India among private B-Schools and in the Top Twenty all-India, among all B-Schools!
Here’s congratulating Mr. Vashistha for his achievement & bringing laurels to our institute.
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