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Hitbullseye is the fastest growing MBA Test portal in India, with 60,000+ online user base. With an experience of more than 18 years in the test-prep industry and having mentored more than 2,00,000 students in classrooms and online, we have produced numerous 100 percentilers and successful toppers. We, at Hitbullseye, make sure that our students get nothing but the best.
We are the pioneers in technology in the field of online prep, with live e-lectures, nation-wide mobile testing platform, online prep-hubs, mobile app, tablets, online video lectures and e-library to name a few. Every year, our students achieve high ranks and get into the top colleges of India, fulfilling their dream. Have a look at our results section to see what we claim.
Number SystemFinding Last Two Places (Sample Video)
Reading Comprehension - MBA(Sample Video)

Gagandeep Singh Pannu
CAT Regional TopperThe faculty is very helpful. Preparing for MBA from Hitbullseye was the best decision I took.

Siddharth Thakkar
IIM A, B, C, L ,S, IThe CAT mock tests and the L.O.D. of questions was very close to the actual exam.

Anshul Garg
CAT 100 PercentilerHitbullseye has a very structured and relevant course material. Kudos to them.

Dilpreet Kaur
IIM C, I, K, L, KSI used to watch your video lectures daily and I cleared all my basic concepts from them.

Mukul Kaura
CAT 99.88 PercentilerThe best mock test analysis I've ever seen, helped me improve my score by 20 percentile.

Rahul Jain
CAT 99.83 PercentilerYour mobile app is a boon for students. It's definitely the best app for CAT entrance prep.